Kriss #4 is finally available on Comixology. After you buy and read it you can go back to your normal lives.
ZIM 45 is out!
I’m interrupting my vacation full exotic cocktails and space exploration to let you know that Inveder ZIM 45 is out today. The things I do for you.
Kriss 3 is out today. There are carnies in it.
Get it on Comixology
KRISS #1 Digital Release!
Boy howdy! The digital edition of KRISS #1 is now available on Comixology! It’s only $1.99! What are you waiting for?!?!
Soooo I can finally talk about my next graphic novel. Ted Naifeh and I have been working on this thing for years now. Actual years. And after a handful of delays, scheduling conflicts, and the occasional apocalypse, our book will finally be be hitting shelves this autumn.
Meet KRISS. That's him brooding in the snow. I hope you like him because I'm going to be pestering you about him a LOT over the next several months.
The PIZZASAURUS is here!!
FINALLY the raddest comic you will EVER READ EVER hits comic shops today (bookstores and Amazon tomorrow)! Justin Wagner wrote and drew it, I colored it, and Melanie Ujimori lettered it! Go get it! DON'T BE LAME!
WHERE WE LIVE: LAS VEGAS SHOOTING BENEFIT ANTHOLOGY is an upcoming graphic novel and 100% of the proceeds will go to the survivors of the attack. It will be available on May 30th.
I am thankful to my friends, Jim and Wendy Williams, for inviting me to be a part of this and I am eternally grateful to them for taking it upon themselves for putting it all together.
Frankly, writing and drawing this story is one of the hardest things I've ever done. And I couldn't be more proud of it.
Who wants some good news for a change?? I got some radical news right here!
Justin "The Wag" Wagner (ok, no one really calls him that) is on art and story while I'm on colors!
ALRIGHT CREEPS! ZIM 25 comes out today and it is my last issue as "series artist!"
I'm not leaving the series entirely, SO DON'T WORRY. I'll still be doing letters and maybe some colors here and there, oh and I'll draw a cover every now and then (ZIM won't let me go THAT easily) but my time on regular art chores has come to an end.
After 12 issues it's time someone else did the heavy lifting (those poor, poor souls) and I'm off to work on some personal projects. (You know, the kind of projects with swords and snow and yelling and axes. Personal stuff.)
Thank you all for your support! (And money. Yay, rent money!)
You're all aces,
BEHOLD the SCIENCE MAJESTY of INVADER ZIM 22! If you buy this you will get smarter because SCIENCE!
Holy guacamole! ZIM Vol 4 is out! I can't believe we're up to 4, can you? CAN YOU???
I drew four of the issues in this volume and this other guy, Aiden Alaskabox or something, drew the other one. It's got like a clown in it, I think?
ZIM Vol 4 is out! GOOD GOD WHY?
And it looks like Barnes & Noble put it on its list of best graphic novels of August. I don't know why. I mean, that comic is full of beans.
Two things out today! (whew!)
INVADER ZIM 20 (drawn by me and colored by Fred C Stresing): This issue was written by His Supreme Overlordness, Jhonen Vasquez himself! He commands you. HE COMMANDS US ALL.
COURTNEY CRUMRIN Vol 1 (written/drawn by Ted Naifeh and colored by me): This $10 paperback re-release is the PERFECT way to get into the CRUMRIN series if you haven't already. (On a personal note, this book is really special to me. On top of it being a lovely story, this book was, in a way, the book that spring boarded my comics career. I'll always be grateful to Ted and Oni Press for taking a chance on me.)
ZIM #17!
Invader Zim 17 is out today! In this issue: Zim wears a dress! GIR eats jam! And Dib is an idiot!
Buy it at your local comics shop or here on Comixology.
INVADER ZIM #15 is out today!
Four chilling tales wrapped up in one sweet comic! #invaderzim 15 is out today! Go, my nerdlings! COMSUUUUME!
Available and any decent comic book shop, and also on comixology.
Here it is! INVADER ZIM #12 comes out today!
This is the first issue of my run as illustrator and I couldn't be happier. Aaron Alexovich and Fred Stressing make me look so much better than I deserve. First round is on me, gents.
Jhonen Vasquez (Control Brain)
Eric Trueheart (Writer)
Aaron Alexovich (Layouts)
Me (Illustrations and Letters)
Fred Stressing (Colors)
Oni Press (Publisher)
Pick it up here:
and here:
and wherever fine funny books are sold!
Whoa yay! INVADER ZIM #10 is out today!
Today INVADER ZIM #10 is out! I colored and lettered this one, Dennis and Jessie Hopeless wrote it, Dave Crosland drew it, and Jhonen Vasquez CONTROLS US ALL!!!
Go get it. It has one of my favorite covers.
INVADER ZIM #8 is out!
Hey gang, the latest issue of INVADER ZIM hits stores today. Whats cool about this issue is that it's a "lost episode". It's adapted from a script that was originally intended for the show but never made it to production. This is new-vintage Zim here, folks. And it's AWESOME.
Oh, and there are pants. Lots and lots of pants.
Published by @onipress. Story by @JhonenV and @erictrueheart. Layouts by @essrose. Art by @DaveCrosland. Colors and letters by yours truly (and they even let me draw a teeny tiny bit).
INVADER ZIM Vol 1 is out today!
Missed any singles issue of Invader Zim? Have no fear! The first collection is out!
Available at Oni Press and comixology and wherever fine funny books are sold.
INVADER ZIM #7 out 2/10/16
I already letter INVADER ZIM and get to occasionally color a cover but this month I got to color the whole issue as well.
Everything is proceeding according to my plans. MUA HA HA!
DO-GOODERS out today!
Do-Gooders, by Oni Press, comes out today! I did the colors on this fun little children's book. As always J. Torres has done a splendid job and Justin was kind enough to intentionally leave the backgrounds vague, giving me the opportunity to really get tin there and give the colors a special "animated background" look.
An immensely fun book to work on! Cheers!